Just Sold! 65 Northwest Rd. - Westfield 5 bedroom, 2 bath colonial. $400,000. Every sale has a story…and I found this client's story really intriguing. Early last year, we set out to find a hobby farm...yes, a hobby farm. My buyers both have backgrounds in botany and horticulture and wanted to put their vast knowledge to use on their own land…with the ultimate goal of creating a greenhouse and raising animals. Really interesting stuff. As time went on, we learned that the owners of these small farm properties put most of their resources into the land, and not much into maintaining the homes. As my clients weren’t looking to get into a property that needed a lot of work, we reset our parameters and placed a higher priority on the home itself. It wasn’t long before we landed on a beautiful 1920’s American Four Square home in Westfield, right in the foothills of the Berkshire Mountains. Just a stunning setting with lots of possibilities to pursue their interests.
Just Sold! 65 Northwest Rd. - Westfield $400,000

Dec 20, 2023
Real Estate